Female Nurse is smiling at a female patient who is sitting down in front of her smiling.
Inpatient Services
Acute Care:
This is the care of the acutely ill patient within a hospital setting, including, but not limited to, assessment and/or treatment of their illness/disease process by professional nursing staff 24-hours a day. Skilled Care:
Skilled Care, also known as Swing Bed, is provided when patients no longer qualify for acute care, but require further treatment for their original diagnosis. A patient will be transferred to Swing Bed status for such treatments as: Physical Therapy, IV Therapy, further assessment of response to treatment or any other Medicare approved therapies. Non-Medicare or Medicaid patients must be pre-approved by their insurance company to receive this service.
Observation Care:
Observation care includes care and monitoring of a patient within the hospital setting, to observe for further development of an injury or a disease process. Intermediate Care:
Intermediate care is provided for patients who meet neither the acute nor skilled care criteria. The daily room and care charges are the financial responsibility of the patient. All medications and personal supplies are furnished by the patient. Intermediate care is intended to be a short term stay and may be utilized when a patient is waiting for nursing home placement. A patient admitted into Intermediate care may transfer from acute or skilled care or may be admitted from home or another facility.