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A mammogram is a safe low-dose X-ray procedure that takes pictures of the internal tissues of your breasts. This simple exam is performed as a screening or diagnostic study, to determine the possibility of irregularities within the breast. It can reveal areas too small or deep to feel, which may or may not require further investigation. Digital Mammography is the most advanced diagnostic technology available for the early detection of breast cancer.
A mammogram is a safe low-dose X-ray procedure that takes pictures of the internal tissues of your breasts. This simple exam is performed as a screening or diagnostic study, to determine the possibility of irregularities within the breast. It can reveal areas too small or deep to feel, which may or may not require further investigation. Digital Mammography is the most advanced diagnostic technology available for the early detection of breast cancer.

Digital Mammography

A mammogram is a safe low-dose X-ray procedure that takes pictures of the internal tissues of your breasts. This simple exam is performed as a screening or diagnostic study, to determine the possibility of irregularities within the breast. It can reveal areas too small or deep to feel, which may or may not require further investigation. Digital Mammography is the most advanced diagnostic technology available for the early detection of breast cancer.

This service is available for scheduling twice a month, every other Wednesday

Digital Mammography Prep

To help minimize discomfort during mammography, schedule your mammogram to take place one week after your period (when breasts are less tender).

If possible, bring your previous mammogram with you, or bring a list of where and when you have had previous mammograms with you to your appointment.

On the day of the examination, do not wear talcum powder, deodorant, lotion or perfume under your arms or on your breasts. These substances can cause artifacts on your mammogram making the images harder to interpret (aluminum flecks in some powders and deodorants can mimic micro-calcifications on the x-ray image).

Wear a two piece outfit so that you only have to remove your top and bra for the examination: a blouse which buttons in the front is optimal since it can be easily removed, while pullover tops are less convenient.

Any breast symptoms or problems that a woman is experiencing should be described to the technologist performing the examination. A woman should also be prepared to discuss with the mammography technologist any pertinent history: prior surgeries, hormone use, family or personal history of breast cancer. Prior to mammography a woman should also discuss any new findings or problems in her breasts with her clinician.